Annual Election for District Commissioners Held

May 12, 2021

On Tuesday May 11, 2021 the Westfield Fire District Commission held its annual elections.  There are 9 commissioners on the board and each year, 3 commissioners are elected for a 3-year term.  This year there was a fourth Commissioner position opening for a term of 1-year to fill the vacated seat from 2020. The seven candidates running were E. Gregory Amy, Nicole Carlone, Matthew Lockwood, F. John Passacantando, David J. Peterson, Christian Plummer and Brian White.

Votes were tallied an announced as:  180 votes for Gregory Amy, 56 votes for Nicole Carlone, 56 votes for Matthew Lockwood, 58 vote for F. John Passacantando, 195 votes for David Peterson, 203 votes for Christian Plummer and 124 votes for Brian White.

Chairman Amy announced Gregory Amy, David J. Peterson, Christian Plummer and Brian White as the winners.

Amy, Peterson & Plummer were elected to a three-year term and White was elected to the remaining one-year term, all commencing on May 12, 2021.

We thank everyone that came out to vote.

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