Tax Collector

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Tax Office

Tax Collector: Leanna Harris
Treasurer/Tax Clerk:

Office Hours:
Closed Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00am-3:30pm
Thursday 11:00am-4:30pm

Contact Info:
Phone: 860-632-0377
Fax: 860-635-0375

Other Important Contact Information:

Middletown Tax Assessor
Phone: 860-638-4930
Fax: 860-638-1935

Middletown Tax Collector
245 DeKoven Drive
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: 860-638-4900
City of Middletown Online Payments

South Fire District
445 Randolph Rd.
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: 860-343-8011
South Fire Online Payments

Tax Office Information - 2022/2023

Why do I pay taxes to the Westfield Fire District, when I already paid the city?

Everyone who lives in the City of Middletown pays two separate taxes, a city tax and a fire tax. The town is divided into 3 Fire Districts: Westfield Fire, South Fire and City Fire. If you live in the Central (City) District your fire tax is inclusive with your city tax in one bill. However, if you live in Westfield Fire or South Fire Districts you will receive a separate fire tax bill.  A list of Street addresses in the Westfield Fire District can be found through the following link: Westfield District Street Listing

Mill Rates: Effective July 1, 2023 (for the 2022 Grand List)

Westfield Fire Mill Rate for Real Estate, Personal Property & Motor Vehicle: 1.744
Total when combined with City Mill Rate for RE/PP/MV: 30.044

     City Mill Rate for Real Estate and Personal                  Property: 28.3                                                              City Fire Mill Rate for Real Estate and Personal       Property: 6.8 - Combined = 35.1                             City Fire Mill Rate for Motor Vehicle: 4.16 -       Combined = 32.46

      South Fire Mill Rate of Real Estate and Personal       Property: 5.311                                                           South Fire Mill Rate for Motor Vehicle: 4.16
      Total when combined with City Mill Rate for        RE/PP: 33.611 for MV: 32.46

GRAND LIST 2022 LEGAL NOTICE: July 2023 Legal Notice


The following fees were approved by the Westfield Fire Commission, effective April 9, 2019:


What is the best way to pay my tax bill?

Send your payment through the US Post Office. Include your check, money order, or cashiers check along with your payment stub identifying what tax bills you are paying. For a paid receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope and your ENTIRE bill.   If you choose to pay in person, please have your payment and complete bill readily available.

Do you accept Credit Card payments?

Yes, online only, not in the tax office or over the phone.  Visit to pay online.  With this service, taxpayers are able to look up and pay bills online for current taxes and delinquent taxes.  Please note: any payments made will first be applied to outstanding balances before they are applied to current taxes.   DO NOT PAY ONLINE IF IMMEDIATE (OVERNIGHT) motor vehicle clearance is needed.  Online payments may take 5-10 days to clear Compliance Issues with DMV. It is best to pay in the Tax Office with cash or money order if immediate (overnight) clearance is needed.

When should I receive my tax bill?

Tax bills are mailed out at the end of June of any given year. Supplemental bills are mailed out at the end of December. There may be exceptions to the mailing dates due to failed budget votes, which may cause a delay in billing.

When are taxes due?

Real Estate, Personal Property, Motor Vehicle, and Supplemental taxes are all due in one installment. All bills not paid on or before the first business day of the month following the due date are subject to interest at the rate of 1.5% per month (18% per year) from the due date. There will be a minimum interest charge of $2.00 per bill (for Motor Vehicle and Supplemental bills, the $2.00 interest charge is per vehicle). We apply payments to the oldest outstanding bill first, and interest must be paid before principle.

What if I did not receive a tax bill?

State statute 12-130 states, "Failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax." If a tax bill is not paid within the given grace period, interest cannot be waived. Please contact the Tax Office immediately if you believe you should have received a tax bill, but did not.  Please note: you may not have received a bill because the assessment on your property is too low to produce a tax. We do not bill under $2.00.

How are taxes computed?

Taxes are computed by multiplying the net assessment (70% of the fair market value) of your property as of October 1 by the current mill rate.

Assessment x Mill Rate = Tax Bill
Example: $160,000 x .001545 = $247.20

Any questions on your property assessment should be directed to the Middletown Tax Assessor’s Office at 860-638-4930.

What if I no longer own the real estate?

Please notify us immediately if you receive a bill for property that has been transferred to another owner.

What if I escrow my taxes?

Many banks/mortgage companies escrow for Fire Taxes, but not all of them do.  It is your responsibility to make sure the Fire Tax is paid on time to avoid interest and/or lien fees.  Fire Tax bills are sent to the bank/mortgage companies for escrowed accounts, you will not receive a bill.  If you do receive a Fire Tax bill, but think your Fire Taxes are escrowed, contact your bank/mortgage company prior to submitting payment to avoid duplicate payment.

New Construction Completed
If a new home was completed on a piece of property and you already paid on the Real Estate bill, you will most likely see another bill, reflective of your Certificate of Occupancy.

Motor Vehicles
The uniform assessment date is October 1, and any motor vehicle registered on this date will be part of the October 1st Grand List. The bill covers from October 1 through September 30. All information related to motor vehicle taxes are based on how a vehicle is registered as of October 1. If you moved prior to October 1, and did not change the address on your motor vehicle registration, your bill will be mailed to the address on the registration that DMV had as of October 1. Changing your address on your driver’s license does not change the address on your registration. In order to cancel a registration you must notify the DMV either in writing or by turning in your plate(s) to DMV. If you no longer own of vehicle, it is your responsibility to notify the Middletown Tax Assessor’s office (860-638-4930); the DMV does not notify the Assessor.

Unpaid Motor Vehicle / Supplement Taxes
If you have delinquent motor vehicle fire taxes, your name has been reported to the DMV, and this will prevent you from registering your vehicles. In order to receive an immediate clearance to register your vehicle, you must pay all of your unpaid motor vehicle fire taxes with cash, bank check, or money order.

Supplemental Motor Vehicle Taxes
This tax is on vehicles newly registered after October 1 but before July 31. Supplemental taxes are prorated from the month in which the vehicle was first registered. If you transferred the plates from a vehicle that you paid taxes on in July, you will receive a credit on the Supplemental bill for the portion of time that you did not own your old vehicle.

What if I no longer own a vehicle or have moved?
If you no longer own a vehicle, did not transfer a plate to a new vehicle, or moved, you may be entitled to a tax credit. You must provide the Middletown Tax Assessor with necessary information (860-638-4930).

Personal Property
Personal Property is based upon the contents of your business, such as furniture, fixtures, and equipment; additionally, it may also include unregistered motor vehicles. Personal Property is assessed for the October 1 Grand List. Personal Property taxes are not pro-rated if a business closes or is sold.

Unpaid Taxes
All municipal taxes are collectible for 15 years from the original due date. Interest will accrue for the full period of time that a tax is delinquent and will not be waived. Unpaid balances remain on the computer system for 15 years.  Delinquent real estate may be sent to a Collection Attorney and will be subject to their collection fees and court fees.

On February 7, 2012, the Westfield Fire Commission approved that over-payments of less than $5.00 will be retained by the District. Any refunds for $5.00 or more must be claimed via refund application within 3 years of when the tax was originally due.

News and Announcements

December 23, 2024


Legal Notice  is hereby given to the taxpayers of the Westfield Fire District, City of Middletown,  that the Fire Tax based on the Motor Vehicle Supplemental taxes on the 2023  Grand List for automobiles registered after October 1, 2023 and prior to  August 1, 2024 become due and payable in full to the Westfield Fire District  on January 1, 2025. If these taxes are not paid in full by February 3, 2025, they  will be delinquent and subject to interest at the rate of 1.5% per month from  the due date of the tax, as well as other collection costs.  There is a minimum interest charge of $2.00  per vehicle.

Payments may be made by mail; postmarked  by February 3, 2025, or paid in  person at the Office of the Tax Collector at 653 East St. Middletown, CT  06457.  A “Drop-Box” is also available  outside the Westfield Tax Office.  Payments  can also be made online at  Please be aware there is a convenience fee  if you utilize this service.  

Hours: *CLOSED MONDAYS*; OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 - 3:30 p.m. and Thursday 11:00 -  4:30 p.m.

Telephone number is 860-632-0377; Email:          

Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer of  his/her responsibility for the payment of taxes or delinquent charges.  Sec. 12-130

If a receipt is required, please include the entire bill and a self-addressed,  stamped envelope.

If “BACK TAXES ARE DUE” and clearance  is needed for the Department of Motor Vehicle, cash or money order is  required.  

Releasing a vehicle for registration purposes is an overnight process. Please call for amount due.  

Registration compliance issues can be verified via the CT DMV website:  CT.GOV/DMV

Leanna Harris - Tax Collector